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Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Anna John Nursing Home Visits. Funeral planning provides peace of mind. Area Catholic schools represented in 2018 Kohl Foundation honors. Catholic Charities staffer assists in Virgin Islands relief.
Join our obituary notification email list. Patrick Fahrenkrug and Derek Van Deurzen.
Knights of Columbus Polo Shirts are Available. Of the most active councils in Northeast Wisconsin! Who are the Knights of Columbus? Being a Knight of Columbus. What is it all about? Being a Knight is about camaraderie; it is being involved with your. Community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing. To order e-mail Ed Sypek at.
What is Scrip, How to use it. How to Set up ScripNow. Christ Renews His Parish CRHP. B and G May Minutes. Kau Social Cocnerns March Minutes. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity.
St Joseph Parish, Champion.
Schedules - Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors. St Vincent de Paul Society. Choir, Cantors, Accompanists. Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound. St Vincent de Paul Society. Funeral planning provides peace of mind.
CFC Registration and Volunteer Forms. St Mary Catholic Middle School. St Mary Catholic High School. St Vincent de Paul Society. Bible Study on the Eucharist. Abraham Are you interested in a short bible study regarding Abraham? St Pius X Family Conference.
St. Margaret Mary Parish
439 Washington Ave
Neenah, Wisconsin, 54956
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